International Sweetest Miss suggested events for delegates to host in their home town.
During your reign it's always good to visit your state’s Governor, make an appearance with your local sports teams, be an honored speaker at the state fair, and participate in parades. Make sure to share what your doing with us so we can give you a shout out on social media.
July 4th Event -Start your summer off with a patriotic solute to the troop. Send in your solute to the troops video 5min in length max to your director. Take an extra step and prepare some care packages for the troops. Visit to choose a group to send them to. You can make this an annual event for your church, social group or club. Make sure to send us lots of pictures! August Park or Beach Clean up. Get out one day during the month of August and show love for Mother Earth by cleaning up one of the beautiful public areas near you. Make sure to send in your pics for points towards Miss Congeniality! September Back to School Platform Speeches Time to scheduled your Talks. Tips Write up a one page letter introduce yourself and title first. Include a explanation of what you would like to talk about, length of time you need and what grade you would like to talk to. At the bottom include time and days your available. The best way to get a response is to hand deliver the letter to the front office of the school public or private. Often you can get a response right there or with in days. Best of Luck and remember send pictures video welcome as well :) October Fun Halloween Photo Contest Send in your Photos link close to event. November Thanksgiving Food Drive Donate can goods to a local food bank. You can make this a fun event. Tip Host a fun movie night charging can goods. You can take it up a notch by charging a can food item and a new unwrapped gift for Toys for tots. Get a head start on the December contest. December Sweetest International Pageant Toys for Tots Toy Drive & Contest |